We arrived early to hear the Benedictine Nuns in full habit singing the Psalms in their Southwest style chapel. They sing all 150 throughout each week, I was told by Sister Maria Josepha, a really fun spunky nun, who professed missing summer dresses during the hot day as we were shuttling art supplies. I am betting she and the other Contemplative Benedictine Nuns have endured much more in sacrifice for Love of Christ.
Our visit was full of fun surprises! The kids made wonderful clay multi-dimensional figures, and learned a lot about how the working Ranch ran equipped with: Grass-Fed Belted Galloway Cattle, 3 Llama's, a few dogs, an "Awesome Garden" (my teen son's description), Green Grassy Meadows full of Alfalfa Hay and a beautiful setting only God could manifest. They witnessed a nun riding a tractor, and a Llama named Diablo (this was HilaRRilous to them!), one boy tried out his dad's Fire Rescue moves by picking up a girl that was injured by a rock and carrying her the rest of the hike. They had a great time, my kids were complimented for being very respectful and the term "gentleman" was even used (always a good day for a parent- I may still be beaming). My one and only daughter was amazed. She thought "nuns only prayed." They got a chuckle out of this, and I pondered it later thinking her only input on Nun's lifestyle comes from Mother Angelica, on EWTN, or a movie about a Saint. So seeing a working ranch run by Nuns was quite the eye opening experience for her.
I intend to go back again soon, next time for a retreat, an over-nighter, complete with breakfast and dinner. I missed the stations of the cross, on the hill above the guest facility. I look forward to singing the psalms and seeing that beautiful valley full of gorgeous 360 views. A little piece of Heaven here on Earth. Thanks so much for a great experience for my kiddos, maybe it has sparked a vocation for one of them?
We still have a few questions for them: Do they kill the rattle snakes they encounter? Do they kill flies? We were sure the commandment "thou shall not kill" didn't pertain to these creatures.
Upcoming Events and Retreats at the Abby
We also visited another Nothern Colorado Gem- The Red Feather Lakes, a few of the above pics are from our visit to this tiny town, that is adorable. There are plenty of lake and Rocky Mountain views to soak up. It's food for the soul, I am convinced!
Red Feather Lakes, CO