Pope John Paul II (1978-2005)
When Pope John Paul II died the faithful chanted in St. Peter's square,"Santo Subito" (sainthood now). Today July 5, 2013 Pope Francis has approved the canonization of this beloved and Godly man. He lived his life as a testament with courage and zeal.
I heard the news this morning at First Friday mass...it made my heart soar. The two miracles: A nun cured completely of Parkinson's Disease ( a disease which also afflicted the late pope), and the second a Costa Rican woman fully recovered from a brain injury. In a day and age where we can get everything practically instantly and have complete conversations by typing (texting) and posting photos of ourselves for all to see (selfies). I feel we block off ourselves from true greatness and goodness of God. We have so much noise in our ears, our hearts are unable to connect. (see Screwtape by CS Lewis)
We watch movies about heroes that are fictional. In real life there are men and women with real super powers. Their powers come from God alone, and they preform miracles! They are vastly better than Superman, Spiderman, the Hulk and all the Cullen family combined. A Saint is God's superhero!
May John Paul II's canonization be a reflection of how Love, great love, Forgiving love (he forgave the man who shot him), Self sacrificing love...conquers all! It conquers even death, for John Paul II is fully alive with our King, Jesus Christ, in a Kingdom we cannot fathom!
Hope your day is heavenly!
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My Grandmother died the same day as Pope John Paul. Easter 2005 I was driving on 80 E home to see her. Sadly I did not make it there. But I believe the date was very auspicious and there was a reason for both to leave this earth at the same time.